Transit grille, grille in bus, Ford Transit body parts, used radiator. Transit grille, grille in bus, Ford Transit body parts, used radiator. One of the body element, that distinguish a brand of van is the grille, which can take all kinds of forms, and indeed often is subject to modifications in order to emphasize the individual style of the driver. The Transit grille is responsible for protection, which are behind it, including mainly the radiator against mechanical damage that may result from moving behind other vehicles or on gravel roads. Ford Transit 2013 has a different grille that Ford Transit MK2. They differ not only the look, but also the materials from which they were made. For example, MK2 has the metal grille, which is both the grille as well as a part of the front bumper, and in the case MK7 grille is made of plastic, but is merely finishing vehicle, by the way is designed in such a manner as to preserve the Ford Transit style and provide as much as possible the cold air into the engine compartment. Despite the wide variety of grilles vehicles, manufacturers try to keep them in such a form that customers or the casual drivers know right away, what brand to associate with that particular vehicle.