Transit Flasher, Ford transit indicator, van’s exterior lighting, change of ride direction. Transit Flasher, Ford transit indicator, van’s exterior lighting, change of ride direction. In vans a flasher is a the colloquial name of an indicator, which task is to inform the other road users of our intentions maneuvers on the road. This is necessary element of equipment in Ford Transit MK7 – MK2 as well as the other cars. Without it on the road probably would reign chaos, and one of the main sounds which we could hear from the street would be a car horn or the sound of breaking glass from the headlights after the bump. The flasher is a relatively small component of the lighting, so we shouldn’t additionally cover it with foil or paint to darken, that more and more young people paint the interior of the tail lamps. It makes just that our actions on the road become invisible, which can cause some danger. During the overtaking we should first signal lane change in our Ford Transit 2013, or turn the right flasher, than at the end we should turn on the left flasher to return on our lane. This is a correct way of overtaking, which professional drivers often forget. Fortunately most of road users know and remember about that.