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Ford Transit Timing Belt, Transit 2.5 D, timing belt tensioner, 2.0 petrol, Contitech, Bosch.

Ford Transit Timing Belt, Transit 2.5 D, timing belt tensioner, 2.0 petrol, Contitech, Bosch. During the replacement of timing belt typically are also exchanged the timing belt tensioner, timing belt roll and also the gear wheel. The ignoring the term of timing belt change in Ford Transit can have disastrous consequences and result in a renovation of the engine. The timing belt is responsible for the transfer of power from the pulley drive shaft to the camshafts, which actuate tappets and valves. The timing belt needn’t be original Ford’s product. On the market there are many replacements for the Ford Transit, and the manufacturer most of them are Bosch and Continental Contitech. The timing belt replacement period for new cars informs the user’s manual of van. However, in most cases, when your car is older this timing belt should be exchanged on average even every 60 000 km.
Ford Transit Timing Belt

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