Starting the diesel engine glow plug Ford Transit, Transit replace the glow plug. Starting the diesel engine glow plug Ford Transit, Transit replace the glow plug. Glow is an essential part of the start-up of our car. It is particularly important in the winter days when the air temperature drops significantly. On such days, users of cars with diesel engines often have a problem with the firing of his car. Therefore, it is important that the engine was fully functional glow plugs. They facilitate cold starting. These candles are screwed into the cylinder head. They heat the air in the combustion chamber and it is possible to start the vehicle at low temperatures. The Fords Transitach eg. In 2009. There are 4 glow plugs. They are powered by a special electric wire. While our delivery van has a problem with firing the first thing you should do is check the spark plugs properly operate. If you are sure that the problems are caused by firing just malfunction aforementioned candles are best to immediately replace them. However, the exchange glow plug is quite a difficult task. Often, the exchange turns out that the candle is baked and we can not remove. In this case, the best solution is to go to a specialist workshop, which will deal with the ensuing problems.