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Ford logo, Ford front / rear emblem, Ford Transit emblem.

Ford logo, Ford Transit emblem, Ford front / rear emblem. Each car, both as a passenger and in a prominent position, is fitted with a stamp of the particular car brand. Most often occurs in the front and rear of the car. Ford simply designed his emblem. This is an oval stamp with the words "FORD", which is on a blue background. In the vans of the Ford Transit, the logo may vary in size. It depends on the particular model in which the emblems could be assembled in different places. An example would be the Ford Transit MK6, which was produced between 2000 and 2006, where the logo is mounted on the front of the engine. In contrast to the Transit MK7, where the front emblem is much larger and mounted on the front of the dummy. However, it is worth noting that the "Ford logo" on these models, MK6 and MK7, on the rear door is the same.
If your Ford logo is destroyed or completely lost, please visit our online store. You will find both front and rear emblems as well as many other new and used parts for Ford Transit. If you have problems with choosing the right products for your car, we encourage you to contact our sales department.
Ford logo

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